Meet The Fraternities
Monday February 1st 8pm-11pm; Located in the Student Center Lobby
This event is a chance for all of the fraternities to meet students that are interested in Greek life. This event is held in the Student Center lobby, where each organization will set up a table representing their respective organization. Groups of potentials interested will be taken around to each organizations table and be given the chance to talk to groups about their organization. After the “round- about,” the potentials will be urged to hang-out at Bottle Hill Room in the Student Center, where each organization will have members hanging out.
Sigma Chi Info Session
Friday February 5th + February 15th at 8pm; Located in the Florham Rm. In the Student Center Lobby
Friday February 5th + February 15th at 8pm; Located in the Florham Rm. In the Student Center Lobby
We invite all potentials from Meet the Fraternities to come and learn more about our chapter and a Fraternity as a whole. This is an opportunity for us to get to know the potentials on a more personal level and provides an opportunity for them to ask any questions about us and what opportunities we can provide. Typically, we will show a recruitment video, a Power-point presentation, as well as, a chance to meet some of our brothers face-to-face. We would love to have any Alumni participation at both of these events to offer insight on what Sigma Chi has done in the past and the role it plays in your lives today.
X-BOX Gaming Night
Wednesday February 10th at 7:30pm; Located at Twombly Lounge
We plan to invite all potential new-recruits to have a relaxing night playing X-Box video games and hanging out with the brothers. This gives the brothers and opportunity to get to know the potentials better, as well as the potentials to get to know us in a more casual setting. This event would be sponsored by one of our Alumnus, who has offered to help us by donating some X-Boxes. Again, we encourage Alumni attendance at this event.
David Letterman Show
Wednesday February 17th in NYC by 3pm
This recruitment event would be a trip into The City to attend a taping of the Late Show, hosted by fellow Sig, David Letterman. We plan to invite the potential new-recruits to attend, as well as many brothers that can attend.
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