Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Brothers and Friends,

I cannot begin to stress the importance of good website in this day and age. Not having a website seems to make an organization invisible. Though there may be an underground charm to be invisible, it proves difficult to connect with alumni and difficult to keep non-current brothers abreast as to the various activities that the fraternity engages.

I must admit, I am new to the blog-world. I'm not really sure how this will function. My hope is that the information pertaining to our organization will be dispensed in a more effective and efficient manner.

While this may not be the most conventional, "official website," I believe that this medium is creative, inventive, and easy to access. This will act as a "stream of consciousness" voice of our chapter; any relevant updates will be posted in a prompt manner.

As our organization changes, this medium will be utilized to keep everyone in the loop.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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