Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Jordan Standard

Through the process of pledging, we find that our future brothers become motivated in a multitude of ways. Maybe through the process of pledging, our future brothers discover what role they want to play within the chapter; the role that they want to play in their lives after their undergraduate years.

The following post was written by former-Consul Anthony Gallo of the Alpha-Alpha pledge class. He writes on what the Jordan Standard means to him:

The Jordan Standard is one of three sacred texts of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. This document sets the par requirements for membership in the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Such standards include: a man of good character, a student of fair ability, having ambitious purposes, a congenial disposition, possessed of good morals, having a high sense of honor, and a deep sense of personal responsibility. These seven attributes are essential to success both in the business world, and for personal fulfillment.

Good character is defined by being trustworthy, caring, fair, responsible, and respectable. Having good character implies that a man is inherently possessed of good morals, a high sense of honor, and a deep sense of personal responsibility. Without these three one cannot achieve good character, it is through these other traits that one learns responsibility.

A man of good character knows the difference between right and wrong, without this inherent knowledge it is impossible for a man to become respected by his peers, and idolized by his successors. Throughout my life I was always taught that my mistakes are my mistakes and I must take responsibility for them, and that I must always set a good example through everything I do, because my actions define who I am.

It is also required to be a student of fair ability with ambitious purposes. Being a genius, and having everything come easy to you, does not necessarily define a student of fair ability. This criteria is satisfied on the condition that, as long as you work to the best of your abilities, and if you stumble, learn from mistakes. Having ambitious intentions is to want more; to be better, to work harder. Without ambition, where is the motivation? Ambition is the drive, which runs a person, without ambition, hard work is a mired quandary.

Having a congenial disposition is the most influencing criteria when it comes to how others perceive one. A congenial disposition makes a person approachable, and can be a major factor in their success; both the business world and their own personal lives. A congenial disposition also entails a positive outlook on life and events. Someone having a positive attitude is more inviting than a someone with a negative attitude.

Good morals are essential for attaining proper ethics; morals help to give the distinction between right and wrong. It is crucial to have a strong ethical background, for it is through morals that we react accordingly when faced with moral a dilemma, and this determines the difference between a success and a failure.
A high sense of honor defines a person’s reputation, their moral identity, and self-perception. Honor is the ability for a person to become a role model and distinguish themselves from others. Having a high sense of honor makes others look up to you and feel compassionate about yourself, and your causes.

A deep sense of personal responsibility is a societal influence that binds someone to his or her duties. The ability to take on the necessary tasks to succeed, along with being able; to prioritize, defines responsibility.
I believe that these standards are necessary and without these seven characteristics, it is difficult for a person to reach their full potential. These traits have been instilled within me at some point in my life, however, it was not until I pledged Sigma Chi, and discovered the Jordan Standard that I realized the importance of working to personify each of these qualities.

-Anthony Gallo ‘08
Iota Kappa Chapter

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our Roots... Today!

We never forget the sacrifices and the trials faced by our founding fathers. They had the arduous task of starting our great organization; all pledge-classes that came after the Alpha-class, have been charged with the task of preserving our chapter and enriching our history with whatever credit they bring to the table.

On that note, let it be known that the Iota Kappa chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity was awarded the coveted, James F. Bash Significant Improvement Award. for the 2007 -2008 year.

2007-08 James F. Bash Significant Improvement Award Winners

Beta Chi Chapter, Emory University
Beta Nu Chapter, Brown University
Delta Xi Chapter, San Diego State University
Epsilon Mu Chapter, Texas Christian University
Epsilon Nu Chapter, Texas Tech University
Epsilon Omicron Chapter, The University of Western Ontario
Epsilon Upsilon Chapter, Arizona State University
Eta Pi Chapter, University of Central Florida
Gamma Kappa Chapter, Utah State University
Gamma Psi Chapter, Michigan State University
Gamma Theta Chapter, University of Florida
Gamma Upsilon Chapter, Mississippi State University
Iota Kappa Chapter, Farleigh–Dickinson University
Iota Rho Chapter, Bishop's University
Kappa Chapter, Bucknell University
Kappa Mu Chapter, University of Windsor
Kappa Upsilon Chapter, The Johns Hopkins University
Pi Chapter, Samford University
Psi Chapter, University of Virginia
Theta Chi Chapter, Arkansas State University
Theta Zeta Chapter, Bridgewater State College
Zeta Pi Chapter, Texas A&M University–Kingsville
Zeta Sigma Chapter, Eastern New Mexico University


In addition to this, in the same academic year, Fairleigh Dickinson University, recognized our chapter with the "Most Improved Organization on Campus."

Our Roots

The main aim and object of Sigma Chi has been, and is, to develop and train broad-minded men who can recognize the wholeness of things, and who are not bound down to a contracted eight by ten notion of exclusiveness. There is an absolute necessity for such men.” — Founder Benjamin Piatt Runkle

Some may be familiar with our history, and some may not... for those not familiar, this post is for you:

On September 10, 1988, Delta Sigma Chi officially became a chartered Sigma Chi Fraternity chapter; upon so, initiating the 48-member Alpha pledge-class.

The process of becoming nationally recognized was a long and arduous process that began in the spring of 1985. Chris Horihan, a transfer from Beloit, came to Fairleigh Dickinson University to play football and evaluated the fraternity system; none of the fraternities at the time matched the standards that he had come to know. He already knew of the rich history and tradition of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. He proposed to his fellow football players and other individuals the idea of creating a chapter of Sigma Chi at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Many Brothers from other colleges assisted in this transition. Brothers from Lafayette College and Bridgewater State installed the chapter. Bill Sapoch, the Chapter Advisor, a Sigma Chi Brother from Dickinson, oversaw the entire process along with Art Hendrickson. It took many painstaking months of work creating a petition to send to the Sigma Chi International Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois.

Upon their return for the spring semester of 1988, they learned of the favorable vote by the other Sigma Chi chapters across the country. As a result, the Iota Kappa Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, became the third nationally recognized fraternity at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

At times, we have held the most members of any other Greek organization on the campus, and other times we have not. This does not make us uncomfortable, because we are more than willing to trade-off quantity in numbers for quality in the character of our members. Our fraternity stresses the ideas of “true brotherhood” and “knowledge of self,” both of which can be achieved and maintained regardless of how large our chapter becomes or the diversity of new membership.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


This blog is not going to be word-heavy; photos will be posted on here as well!

Think of it this way: if pictures are worth a thousand words... then posting a few photos on here is like publishing a text-book!

Here's a few gems from the past... enjoy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

upcoming event

Upcoming event!

Stay tuned for more information regarding the upcoming:

Roster: Spring '09

Below, you will find a current list of our chapter's officers.

Consul — Greg Byrnes
Pro Consul — Josh Sims
Annotator — Jeremy Eckles
Quaestor — Mike Cortese
Centurion — Marshall Lindeblad
Magister — John Vitale
Recruitment Chair — Tim Lovell

Tribune — Kenny Eckles
Philanthropy — Rich Passanissi
Chapter Editor — Scott Neuberger
Public Relations — Rich Passanissi
Greek Week — Kenny Eckles and Suhail Hassam
Social Chair — Jon Giuliano
Formal Chair — Jon Giuliano

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Brothers and Friends,

I cannot begin to stress the importance of good website in this day and age. Not having a website seems to make an organization invisible. Though there may be an underground charm to be invisible, it proves difficult to connect with alumni and difficult to keep non-current brothers abreast as to the various activities that the fraternity engages.

I must admit, I am new to the blog-world. I'm not really sure how this will function. My hope is that the information pertaining to our organization will be dispensed in a more effective and efficient manner.

While this may not be the most conventional, "official website," I believe that this medium is creative, inventive, and easy to access. This will act as a "stream of consciousness" voice of our chapter; any relevant updates will be posted in a prompt manner.

As our organization changes, this medium will be utilized to keep everyone in the loop.

Stay tuned for more updates!